Perhaps I should change the third panel to “Arr” in honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Besides Talk Like A Pirate Day, it also happens to be my buddy Bob’s birthay! I met Bob some six years ago, when he came to “visit” my friend Katie.  I put that in quotation marks because instead of going home at the end of it, he wound up marrying her. 😉  He’s entertaining company, a fine cook, an excellent DM, a kickass Street Fighter, and an all around awesome guy.  So, Bob, hope your birthday’s  ace, great, terrific, tremendous, fantastic, fabulous, splendiferous, fab, top-notch, dandy, divine, blue-ribbon, blue-chip, bang-up, skookum, class, awesome, magic, wicked, mean, cool, out of this world, hunky-dory, A-OK, brilliant, killer!