Roughly five years ago, I did a completely uncharacteristic thing and invited a Stranger from the internet to the Halloween-themed housewarming party my then-housemates and I were throwing.  A week later, San Diego was swallowed in a fiery conflagration.  I am aware that “fiery conflagration” is redundant- that’s how crazy the fires were.  Thankfully, the house and everyone I knew and even that guy I didn’t know all that well were safe. A week after that, said guy asked if it was okay to call me his girlfriend. I said “yes.”

Roughly four years ago, Stranger-turned-Boyfriend proposed.  I said “yes.”  I indicated I would prefer a small wedding, with probably no more than 30 people if we could help it.

Three years ago, Boyfriend-turned-Fiance turned Husband.  That 30 people? Turned into 300.  With loads of help from friends and family, Ben and I were wed in a lavish rock-and-roll ceremony.

Although the wedding was amazing, it was not, in fact, The Happiest Day Of My Life.  It was probably that day at the time, but I’ve been happier since.  I’m still becoming.  How can I not? I’m spending the rest of my life with my best friend and most favorite person.  No, not “spending.”  We are building our lives together.  

Ben is loving, kind, generous, and patient (which is extra important when dealing with the likes of me).  He can make me laugh almost no matter what mood I’m in.  And no one can deny the man’s got a great head of hair.  Best of all? I have my very own personal IT guy! Just kidding.  Sort of. 😉

I am incredibly lucky to have someone so wonderful in my life, let alone to have married him!

Ben, Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary! I love you! I LURRRRRVE YOUUUU! (Even when you are glued to your MMOs, you mostly know when to quit.)