An Effervescent Madness

Another year over, a new one just begun!

2018 was challenging. Apart from being exhaustingly politically charged, my husband took yet another job in Silicon Valley, so we wound up uprooting ourselves yet again, after just having gotten used to life in the Central Coast. I did close the year by completing a series of pet portraits commissioned by a friend whose doggos I adore, so that was pretty cool. Check out Steve and Holly’s Doggos!

This year, like all years, I want to focus on building better habits. As such, I want to strengthen my “art muscle” by making a smol painting every day. Follow my progress on Instagram @an.effervescent.madness! The name derives from one of Neil Gaiman’s New Year’s wishes about being filled with “magic and dreams and good madness.” @goodmadness was taken, and I didn’t want to confuse people with taking @good.madness, so I went with the next best adjective that elicited the sentiment, and then some. I’ll try and make sure it gets filled with art bubbling over with whimsy… barring that, a lot of cute dog paintings.